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Half-Day Movies


On most half-day Wednesdays, Lower-School students are invited to join us for a movie in the auditorium. 


Our next half-day movie will be Jan. 29.
Registration will be available soon.


You must both register your student for the movie AND update PickUp Patrol. Otherwise, students will be dismissed in their usual manner. Neither RIS staff nor the PTO can allow your child to attend the movie if both of these steps are not completed.


  • $10 per student, includes snack

  • You must update PickUp Patrol to indicate your child will be attending the movie; otherwise students will be dismissed in their usual manner

  • ROSCCO students will attend as part of ROSCCO and do not need to register (Exception: there is no ROSCCO on Nov. 27, so ROSCCO students must be registered and PUP must be updated for them to attend.)

  • We need volunteers. Upper-School students can sign up here and parents can sign up here.

  • Pick-up is at 3:30. Please come inside and sign out your child. You must be on time for pickup or your child may not be able to attend future events

  • Questions? Email


Please note: this program runs on Wednesdays when students are released early for staff professional development. It does not run on days when students are released early for teacher conferences. 

























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