Rogers RISing
About Rogers RISing
Rogers RISing supports families in our Rogers community that need assistance due to
job loss, family emergencies, illnesses or other challenging circumstances. These needs
can be short-term or long-term.
The "Market"
We relaunched and expanded our food pantry for the 2023 to 2024 school year. We have a brand-new, bigger space in the main office and always need help stocking it! Please drop off non-perishable foods and personal-care items in the main office. You also can donate online; we will use funds raised to purchase items for the pantry.
Ongoing Programs
We help families throughout the year with a variety of programs, including:
August: School-supply drive
September: Recycled uniform drive
October: Costume drive
November to March: Winter clothing drive
November: Thanksgiving meals
December: Holiday gift wish lists, holiday "boutique" where children can select a gift for a family member, and holiday meals
February: Winter break food drive
March/April: Holiday/spring break meal “wish lists”
June: School-supply drive for next school year
More Info
If you would like to volunteer with Rogers RISing or have questions, please contact Kristin Angelov at If you are a family needing assistance, please contact Mirza Martinez-Pinto at